Heal The Relationship With Your Mother

Heal The Relationship With Your Mother


It’s finally here!

A way to start the journey of healing the relationship with your mother & the wound.

Are you tired of the toxic cycle your relationship continues to be in?

Are you ready to find peace within yourself when it comes to the wound?

Are you finally ready to forgive the past so it no longer has any hold over your present?

This ebook is for you.

You deserve to live the happiest, peaceful life you can whenever you think of your mother.

You deserve to be free of the resentment, pain & anger of the past.

Is it not exhausting to always butt heads?

Is it not exhausting to always be angry whenever you think of your mother?

I know it is because I have been there.

The mother wound was strong within me. Whenever I thought of her, saw her, interact with her, I felt as if I was in a cage.

A cage of my own making.

Then I started to think, why can’t I be free? Why does the actions she solely is responsible for have such an impact on my life? Why can’t I just be at peace with her even if the relationship goes nowhere?

I realized then that I can.

I can be free from the emotional turmoil. I can let go of her actions and realize I am not at fault. I can be at peace even if a relationship isn’t fostered, because all that mattered is that the wound starts to heal.

And I want the same epiphanies for you!

If you are ready to heal the relationship or even the wound, now’s the time. Here is your sign.

There is a life available where the wounds from the relationship of your mother no longer has any say in your life.

Go out and get it!

Comes With:

  • 10+ Sections

  • Journal Prompts For Each Section

  • Affirmations For Each Section

  • Tips For The Journey

  • Over 80+ Pages Of Wisdom

Notty wishes you the best on your journey!

Disclaimer: Notty is not a doctor and thus cannot give out medical advice. This should be used as a complement to other therapies and not a replacement. Please consult a licensed health professional. You accept full personal and legal responsibility for your life choices.

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